Statement of Faith
The Church of Christian Liberty subscribes to the Westminster Confession of Faith and to the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Our Purpose
To worship the one true God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures
To preach the "whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27) to the mutual edification and instruction of members and other believers
To disciple members
To celebrate salvation through the sacraments of the Lord's supper and baptism
To instruct children in the Word of God
To present the Gospel to the lost through work on the mission fields, at home and abroad
To challenge God's people to subdue all areas of life and thought to the absolute dominion of God's laws
To provide charity and compassion to the poor and needy
To further the spirit of Christian patriotism and the upholding of our God-given freedoms contained in, among other places, the Constitution of the United States of America
What We Believe
The Trinity of the Godhead
The Deity and Virgin birth of Christ
The bodily resurrection, ascension, and personal, visible return of Christ
The Person and work of the Holy Spirit
Salvation by grace through faith apart from works
The total depravity of man
The sovereign unconditional election of God
The particular redemption wrought by the death of Jesus Christ
The irresistible grace of God
The perseverance and preservation of the saints
The verbal and plenary inspiration and consequent inerrancy of the sixty-six canonical books that comprise the Holy Scriptures
The Genesis account of creation that God made all things 'ex nihilo' in six days of twenty-four hours each
The continued validity and applicability of God's moral law
The maintenance of good works by believers as evidence of their faith
The priesthood of believers
The resurrection of the just and the unjust
The everlasting happiness of the just in Heaven and the everlasting conscious suffering of the unjust in Hell
The governmental independence of the local church
Covenant church membership and baptism
The regular celebration of the Lord's Supper as a God ordained means of grace